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Tuning Velocity

Velocity comes with good performance out of the box. We go in deep, starting from smart algorithmic choices, making strategic usage of native libraries, all the way to the JVM level, optimizing the proxy so that the JVM will make better decisions when optimizing the code.

Host the proxy on Linux

Velocity comes with high-performance, specially tuned native libraries for compression and encryption, along with including native transports from Netty. However, due to support constraints, the compiled natives are only verified to work on Linux x86_64 and aarch64. While Velocity does not require the natives to work, you will suffer from degraded performance. For this reason, we strongly recommend that all production deployments of Velocity run on x86_64 Linux.

Allocate server resources appropriately

You should always make sure to allocate the correct amount of heap, network bandwidth, and get the right CPU for the amount of players you want to have on your proxy at a given time. For instance, it is unlikely you'll be able to get 1,000 players on a Raspberry Pi Zero, but you'll have a much better chance if you have a recent high-end server CPU from Intel or AMD.

There is no "one-size-fits-all" hardware recommendation, only general guidelines for the amount of players you can expect:

  • Prefer lots of cores but lower clock speeds. Unlike the Minecraft server, Velocity can actually benefit from the extra cores and single-threaded performance is not as important.
  • You should always have enough memory to run Velocity, including room for JVM overhead and for your operating system. For a rough minimum recommended memory amount, double the size of the proxy heap and then add 2GB. For instance, for a proxy with a 2GB heap, plan on getting at least 6GB of memory.
  • Disk speed is unimportant. A solid-state drive is nice to have but not strictly required. Likewise, disk capacity is unimportant as well.

Special notes regarding speculative execution security vulnerabilities

Starting in 2018, a number of security vulnerabilities with regard to speculative execution used by modern CPUs have been discovered.

The mitigations to these vulnerabilities can have painful performance implications, especially on processors vulnerable to Meltdown and further compounded if running in a virtual machine. Velocity, as a network application, is particularly sensitive to the performance hits that the mitigations introduce.

To minimize these hits, we recommend hosting your proxy on a machine with a CPU that has mitigations against Spectre and Meltdown. Processors released in 2019 and onwards typically contain mitigations to protect against Spectre and Meltdown.

If you are using a CPU vulnerable to Spectre and/or Meltdown and are willing to risk security for performance, it is also possible to disable Spectre/Meltdown mitigations depending on the operating system you use. Note however that you disable these security mitigations at your own risk. The Velocity project does not recommend that you disable these mitigations.

Allocate enough heap

Alongside having enough CPU, memory, and network bandwidth, you must also allocate enough Java heap to the proxy. Not doing this can induce lag and in severe cases may result in the proxy being terminated by the Java Virtual Machine because it ran out of memory.

The general rule of thumb is that you allocate 512MB per 500 players, plus some extra to allow for some room for error (typically 1GB extra). For instance, if you want to handle 1,000 on a single proxy, plan to allocate 2GB of heap.

Special notes for containers

If you use a containerized setup (such as using Kubernetes, Pterodactyl, or Docker directly), you should not allocate the entirety of your memory allocation to the heap! Doing so will likely cause the proxy to be killed by the kernel's out-of-memory killer, which will result in your proxy going down, likely at the worst possible time.

A safe (albeit conservative) setting for the heap would be to allocate half of the memory you allocate to the proxy container in total. For instance, if you know the proxy will need to hold 1,000 players, then allocate 4GB to the container and give the proxy 2GB of heap.

Tune your startup flags

We also recommend tuning your startup flags. The current recommendation is:

-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=4M -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:MaxInlineLevel=15

You will add these flags after the java command but before the -jar parameter.

Explanation of the flags

Most of these flags focus on tuning the G1 garbage collector to be more friendly to Velocity's workload. One of these flags (-XX:MaxInlineLevel=15) tends to improve performance in general.

Before the release of Java 9, the default Java garbage collector was the Parallel GC. This is a stop-the-world collector that does its work in parallel. The problem is that its pause times tend to be long, and are not suitable for Minecraft (often showing up as seemingly unexplainable lag spikes).

The recommended garbage collector for Velocity is the G1 region-based collector. There are several reasons for us to recommend G1:

  • It strikes the right balance between throughput and pause times. Throughput is roughly how much work the proxy can achieve.
  • It is compatible with most setups (it is available in Java 8, the earliest Java version we support).

Setups using these flags tend have very low (less than 10 millisecond) GC pauses every few minutes, which is very good for Minecraft.

Other configurations


Deviating from the configuration we recommend is done solely at your own risk.

Velocity is an application that tends to follow the generational hypothesis quite closely. It has also been tuned to reduce load on the garbage collector as much as possible.


ZGC (the Z Garbage Collector), introduced with Java 11 and stabilized with Java 15, has proven to be successful for one large-scale deployment of Velocity.

At its core, ZGC is a concurrent, generation-less garbage collector emphasizing low latency at the expense of throughput. Given the nature of Velocity as a network proxy where low throughput and high throughput are important, we recommend using ZGC with caution, and only if you use Java 15 or above.

The primary tuning flag for ZGC is heap size - if ZGC cannot collect garbage faster than the proxy can allocate it, the threads generating garbage will be temporarily paused, causing the proxy to appear to be laggy. Our heap size recommendations still apply, but prepare to give the proxy more memory if necessary.


Introduced in Java 11 and declared stable in Java 15, Shenandoah is similar to G1 in being a concurrent, generational garbage collector, but it does more work in parallel.

The Velocity team is not aware of any successful deployments of Shenandoah with Velocity in the wild.


OpenJ9 is an alternative to the HotSpot JVM derived from IBM's J9 JVM, focused primarily on cloud workloads. As a result, it behaves very differently from HotSpot. Correspondingly, it has a completely different set of garbage collectors.

The default gencon garbage collector should work fine with Velocity.

Written for version: 1.21